The Telomere Effect by Elizabeth Blackburn & Elissa Epel: Book Review

The Telomere Effect by Elizabeth Blackburn & Elissa Epel: Book Review

The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer by Nobel Prize Winner, Elizabeth Blackburn and Elissa Epel.
Learn about the telomere effect of the shoe lace cap like ends of our DNA and discover the secret to ageing gracefully.

We all know that we need to eat more fruit & veggies (especially a Mediterranean Diet) and keep moving to be healthy, so no surprises there. However, throw in some stress reducing ideas, like meditation and the right diet with exercise and you can expect to have good Telomere’s and a better chance of living a long and healthy life.

The authors explain this complex subject in very easy to understand terms. At times I felt that I was sitting with a (smart!) friend in a cafe who was chatting about the extraordinary benefits of looking after Telomere’s. All the information & recommendations in The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer has been rigorously researched and supported with scientific studies by recognised universities.

One of the studies focuses on measuring the telomeres of women who are the primary caregivers for severely disabled children. The results are fascinating for anyone interested in the importance of mental health on our overall well being. The data from this long term has gone a long way to also prove the importance of good telomere health.

Since becoming a Nobel Prize Winner the authors work has been widely recognised and number of health supplements and beauty products have become available that claim to support telomere health and essentially offer “the fountain of youth”. The authors also provide the scientific reasons why these products should be avoided and could possibly lead to cancer.

The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer is compelling reading for anyone interested in health, beauty and the latest innovations in science on how to live a long and healthy life.

Ideas worth exploring: Ageing Gracefully, meditation and the Mediterranean Diet.

This book has a 4 out of 5 rating.


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